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22 November 2023

Cash Trapped Pakistan Imposes Exit Fee on Afghan Refugees

A shocking move by the Pakistani authorities, cash-trapped Pakistan now imposes an '$830 exit fee' on Afghan Refugees. The nation has come under fire for this move of imposing an exit fee.

Afghan Refugees pay Exit Fee
Afghan Refugees pay Exit Fee [Credit-The Guardian]

Afghan Refugees, who left their country in August 2021 from fear of Taliban's persecution, are waiting for the western nations human resetllement schemes. According to sources, each refugee is charged about $830.

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Pakistan's Exit Fee on Afghan Refugees is Shocking and Frustrating:

Western countries' diplomats and the United Nation have condemned the Pakistani move. They described it as "shocking and frustrating." A senior diplomat responded The Guardian question, "I know it is very tough economically for Pakistan but really, to try to make money off refugees is really unattractive." 


Western Diplomats and the UN slammed Pak government Move
Western Diplomats and the UN slammed Pak government's Move [Credit-VOA News]

The diplomat further added that the issue has also been raised by the two UN agencies, the UN refugee agency [UNHCR] and the international organization of migration [IOM].

The diplomat also mentioned that it has been raised in capitals and headquarters. I suspect everyone has passed the message and Afghan refugees concerns to their Pakistani counterparts.

Pakistan's Stand on Exit Fee for Afghan Refugees:

Pakistan had set the 1st November deadline for Afghan refugees to leave. After the expiration of the deadline, Pakistan began the mass deportation process of undocumented Afghans.

According to Pakistani authorities, thousands of Afghans with expired visas or incorrect documents have been living in the country since the Taliban took over  power in 2021. These refugees are waiting to restart their work in western countries because most of them are eligible on humanitarian grounds.

Afghan Refugees pay Exit Fee
Afghan Refugees pay Exit Fee [Credit-BNN Breaking]

According to reports, the UK government has planned to settle 20,000 Afghanis while the Biden-led government in the US has agreed to settle 25,000 Afghans.

As per the Pakistan rules, Afghan refugees can only pay the amount $830 via credit cards. The bitter truth is that maximum refugees do not have access to credit cards. Another diplomat said that we need to adopt the cooperative approach to help refugees.

Even Pakistani official flagged their concerns initially when they were told to charge $1000 but the amount was later reduced to $830. A diplomat added that if Pakistan wants to facilitate the process of settlement of refugees in the west then they should not make it more complicated.

Thanks and Regards

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