Climate Change and Its Different Aspects:
The climate change is one of the very delicate issues. When we discuss ecosystem and environment-related issues, it is not only human beings but every species on earth that is entangled or associated with its ecosystem, like land, forest, or sea.
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Climate Change [Credit-X] |
Every living organism and non-living matter makes a whole life cycle called an ecosystem circle to survive. Unfortunately, today the changing climatic conditions are generating serious concerns worldwide.
Climate change is a global issue rather than country-specific:
Climate change has become a global issue and all countries need to handle it with serious effort. However, major economies/countries come across the table and are assured to tackle it. They have adopted some protocols and agreed on policy formation under the UN framework.
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Climate Change [Credit-Thing Link] |
Although all causes of climate change are yet to be perceived, some of them, especially those generated by human activities, have evolved. Let us bring a summary of all the essential points and necessary steps that have been taken so far.
In general language, weather is a day-to-day phenomenon of the atmosphere. Heat and air are the two big factors for weather generation. Sun is the main deciding factor of the weather circle.
Direct sun rays heat the equatorial regions more rather than either pole. The equatorial regions cover vast water areas. Wind circles are the leading cause of the rotation of the earth. The rotation system of the planet, when combined with the heating phenomenon, generates weather.
Climate is a comparatively broader and more comprehensive term than weather. It includes many factors, like average temperature, percentage of precipitation, days of sunlight, and humidity.
According to experts, the climate is determined by large-scale patterns and forces. The first is the position of the planet-Earth from the sun [93 million miles] by which it gets the life-sustaining solar radiation.
The second is the tilting position to the earth on its axis. The third is the uneven distribution of sunlight. The fourth is the uneven temperature in the atmosphere. The fifth is the underlying sea currents. The sixth is the wind pattern.
Climate Change:
Climate change, the term, states the shifting of climatic conditions that persist for a long-period, like decades or longer. According to experts, the reasons behind climate change may be natural internal processes or external forces.
They give examples of external forces, like modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, persistent anthropogenic changes in the atmosphere, and land use.
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Climate Change & Global Warming [Credit-Alamy] |
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change [UNFCCC] defines climate change in its 2007 IPCC Report as ‘ a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable periods’.
Simply, it is changing patterns in weather, like temperature, for a longer period, whether due to natural phenomena or human activities.
Climate change is not a speculative concern, but it is based on the works of hundreds of scientists under the IPCC. The IPCC was endorsed by the UN in 1988 and was established by the UNEP and the WMO.
Global Warming and Government of India's National Action Plan
Impacts of Global Warming:
Drastic changes have occurred in the last few decades, especially from 1970 onwards. Experts show the temperature pattern has risen in every decade since 1850. Climate change engulfs the globe, especially in coastal areas, developing as well as underdeveloped countries.
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Global Warming [] |
The following are the dangerous global impacts on the planet Earth.
Global Warming:
One of the major impacts on Earth. Human activities are considered the biggest factors behind global warming, especially after the industrialization era.
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Climate Change Scenario [Credit-X] |
Greenhouse gases [GHGS] are the real cause that trap more heat in the lower atmosphere. According to reports, carbon dioxide has increased 31% in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times.
Acid Rain:
Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc are key-factors for acid rain. These pollutants evolve from fossil fuels burning, like coal, oil, and natural gas. When these pollutants react with water and other chemicals in the air, they form acid rain, fog, or snow.
Ozone Layer Depletion:
Ozone is a result of the action of sunlight on oxygen. Ozonization is a very-slow formation process that occurs 20-50 km above the earth's surface. Although ozone is considered pollution at the ground level, it evolves as a vital form of life in the upper atmosphere. It protects the earth from the harmful UV radiation of the sun.
Some other factors are nuclear accidents and nuclear holocaust.
As we discussed climate change and its different aspects, we concluded that India, with other countries, is among the most vulnerable countries. Some of our most sensitive areas are the Himalayan region, coastal areas, arid zones, and deltas of various rivers, etc.
The government of India has reached a plan with other international organizations to cope with the growing concern.
Thanks and Regards
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