The world occasionally sees that Jews and Hindus share the dichotomy of religious intolerance. In 1938, the countries of the world got together to decide a meeting about the Jews on the shores of Lake Evian in France. Everyone refused to take the Jews. America made a couple of concessions but did little. Canada said clearly no.
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Religious Emblems [Credit-Alamy] |
All the countries of Europe and South America said no. Australia said they were a white country and did not want to import a racial problem. The Communist USSR neither participated in the meeting nor refused to take in any Jews either. The Jews were on their own, left to die at the hands of Adolf Hitler.
Irony of the Jewish & Hindu Community:
Christianity is the biggest religion in the world, with nearly 2.4 billion followers. Next comes Islam, with roughly 2 billion. Another 1.5 billion people live in Communist states. Mind you the number of Jews has never been more than 15 million.
These three forces do not agree with each other a whole lot except that each one of them has spent several centuries persecuting and trying to wipe out the Jews. But there are 1.2 billion Hindus who are exceptions.
How the struggles of the Hindus could be similar to those of the Jews:
Anti-Relation of Christianity and Judaism:
When talking about anti-Semitism, the first name that comes to mind is Adolf Hitler. Nazis get the idea of packing the Jews into ghettos and wearing yellow stars? The Popes had ordered the Jews to be kept in a ghetto and wear yellow hats for over 300 years.
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Judaism & Christianity Religious Symbols [Credit-Vecteezy] |
The 1930s and 1940s saw a wave of anti-Semitism across Europe. After the Catholic Party voted for Hitler to become dictator of Germany in 1933, the Vatican quickly signed an accord with the Nazi regime.
A network of fascist states came up on the continent, with close ties to the Catholic Church and the Nazi regime: Petain in France, Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, and Tiso in Slovakia. Some of them even survived the Second World War and lasted well into the 1960s and 1970s, such as in Spain and Portugal.
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Forced Evacuation History of Islam and Judaism:
Everyone could have seen the animated map of Israel since 1948. It seems to show Israel grabbing more and more land, leaving nothing for the Palestinians. That animated map is simply everywhere because of the propaganda.
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Judaism and Islam Religious Symbols [Credit-Vector Stock] |
It does not tell you that the Arab countries forced their Jewish populations to escape to Israel. Once upon a time, Egypt had 80,000 Jews. At last count in 2022, there were just 3 Jews left in the country. Libya used to have 20,000 Jews, today they have none and the story continues.
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Conflicts Between Communism and Judaism:
Theoretically, the Marxists reject all religions but it is deeply rooted against Jews. Marx himself believed in the stereotype of the Jew as greedy and self-interested. “Money is the jealous God of Israel,” he wrote in a viciously anti-Semitic essay that he called “On the Jewish question.”
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Judaism and Communism Symbols [Credit-Symbols.Com] |
The relationship between Communism and Jews has always been full of ironies. In the Christian world, they often worried that Communism was a “Jewish plot” as Max was a Jew. The Communists also worried that there was a global Jewish plot against them and called it “Jewish cosmopolitanism.” In the 1950s, the Communists held show trials in Czechoslovakia against “cosmopolitans” and executed all of them.
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Hinduism and Judaism Dichotomy of Religious Intolerance:
The similarities between Hinduphobia and anti-Semitism do not end here. The trio-world does not like to talk about what happened (and is happening) to Hindus in say Pakistan, Afghanistan, or Bangladesh.
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Judaism and Hinduism [Credit-Adobe Stock] |
The tune is the same like they do not talk about the Jews who have been forced out of everywhere else in the Middle East. Generations of persecution led many prominent Jewish intellectuals to reject their identity and agree with the stereotypes forced on them.
The terms “cosmopolitanist” and “globalist” are often used as dog whistles for anti-Semitism even today. The popular cultural perception is that Hindus are regressive and superstitious. This propaganda has been very effective in making Hindus reject their own identity rather than see it as an attack on them.
Organizers and practitioners of such activities must be publicly shamed as in the Harvard University case. Students who participated lost job offers and scholarships. Such collective action stops injustices from going unnoticed.
Thanks and Regards
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