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23 March 2024

Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal Showed A Path For Palestine-Resolution


Saudi Arabia Prince Turki Al Faisal suggested a path for Palestine resolution and slammed both Hamas and Israel, saying that there are "no heroes in this conflict, only victims." Faisal was the country's former intelligence chief for 22 years and Ambassador to the US and the UK. 

Turki Al Faisal
Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal [Credit-Arab News]

Turki Al Faisal's tone at America's Rice University in Houston took a move forward and cited the example of India's Independence movement. The speech was shared widely on social media.

Jews and Hindus Share the Same Dichotomy of Religious Intolerance 

Indication of New-Era in Arabian Policy Towards Israel-Palestine Conflict: 

Turki Al Faisal showed a path for Palestine resolutions and said that all occupied and oppressed people have a right to resist their occupation, even militarily. The Prince led the Saudi intelligence agency Al Mukhabarat Al 'Ammah for over two decades.

Turki Al Faisal
Turki Al Faisal [Credit-Arab News]

The Prince insisted "I do not support the military option in Palestine. I prefer the other option: civil insurrection and disobedience. It brought down the British empire in India and the Soviet empire in eastern Europe.

The Prince's speech, unusually frank for a senior member of the Saudi royal family, was widely acknowledged as the clearest indicator yet of the Saudi Arabia leadership's thinking on the situation.

Turk Al Faisal Slammed Both Hamas & Israel:

He slammed both parties for incarnating inhuman behavior. The Prince said Hamas' acts went against Islamic injunctions not to harm civilians. He also accused Israel of "indiscriminate bombing on innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza" and the "indiscriminate arrest of Palestinian children, women and men in the West Bank".

Turki Al Faisal Condemned Western Politicians' Stand Over The Issue:

He took a stern stand issue with the US media's use of the phrase "unprovoked attack" and said, "What more provocation is required.. than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century?"

Turki Al Faisal
H.H. Turki Al Faisal Delivering Speech [Credit-The Times of Israel]

He condemned Western politicians for "shedding tears when Israelis are killed by Palestinians", but refusing to "even express sorrow when Israelis kill Palestinians".

Stand of India About the Israel-Palestine Conflict:

However, India strongly condemned the terrorist and inhuman acts of Hamas but always supported dialogue diplomacy to resolve any dispute at the international level. India has favored a two-state solution at the UN many times since 1948. India enjoys a good relationship with both countries. 

Although, India has had diplomatic relations with Palestine since independence it officially engaged with Israel after 1990. Today India is one of the strategic partners of Israel. Israelis always support India during all wars against Pakistan with arms and ammunition.  

This balanced approach emphasizes the suffering of all parties involved and calls for global attention towards a lasting solution. In a conflict marked by deep divisions, Prince Turki's comments are a testament to balance and dignified diplomacy and showed a better path to resolve the longstanding issue.

Thanks and Regards

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Israel-Hamas Conflict Turned Into War


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