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06 March 2025

Mark Mobius Said India Will Get More Money Normally Than China

Mark Mobius gave a statement that India would get more money earlier than it would have normally gone to China. Mark is the founder of Mobius Capital Markets and works as a pioneer as an emerging markets investment guru.

Mark Mobius Said India Will Get A More Money Normally Then China
Mark Mobius Said India Will Get A More Money Normally Then China [Credit-Finclusion]

Mark Mobius believes that a lot of the money, re-investment, that was supposed to go to China is coming to India. His comments rectified the situation as China's FDI inflows declined nearly 10% for the first time since 1998.

India Attracting More Money Via Profit And Investment-Friendly Policies:

Mark said during an interview session with CNBC-TV18,

"If you look at the numbers, you will see flows of money coming to India have been quite substantial and are increasing timely. It includes not only portfolio investments but also private investments. So, India is going to get a lot of money that normally would have gone to China." 

Mobius added that there would still be investors willing to invest in China, but India would continue to be the beneficiary of this trend. 

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Mark Morbius About Indian Stock Market:

In an interview, Mobius elaborated that they look at the return on investments over the price-earnings ratio or price-to-book value ratio. Mark said it was amazed to scan the Indian market to gauge how many companies provide a high return on investment.

Mark Mobius and Indian Stock Market
Mark Mobius and Indian Stock Market [Credit-BRR]

If you have a pattern of a high return on investment, you have a lot of money to reinvest and grow. Speaking at the Morningstar Investment Conference, Mobius expects that Sensex will reach 100,000 in the next five years.

Mark said, "I think the Sensex will go to 100,000 in the next five years easily... but there will be corrections on the way." He further added that there will be downturns as the markets like that. He likes it when markets go down because it allows you to buy cheaply.

Mark is satisfied with the outlook for the Indian economy. He looks excited due to positive factors such as diversity, creativity, young population, adoption of technology, and demographics. India is the second-largest economy in terms of country exposure in their portfolio.

Thanks and Regards 

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04 March 2025

Discussion on Climate Change/ Global Warming at The World Level

Climate Change and Its Different Aspects:

The climate change is one of the very delicate issues. When we discuss ecosystem and environment-related issues, it is not only human beings but every species on earth that is entangled or associated with its ecosystem, like land, forest, or sea.

Climate Change
Climate Change [Credit-X]

Every living organism and non-living matter makes a whole life cycle called an ecosystem circle to survive. Unfortunately, today the changing climatic conditions are generating serious concerns worldwide.

Climate change is a global issue rather than country-specific:

Climate change has become a global issue and all countries need to handle it with serious effort. However, major economies/countries come across the table and are assured to tackle it. They have adopted some protocols and agreed on policy formation under the UN framework.

Climate Change
Climate Change [Credit-Thing Link]

Although all causes of climate change are yet to be perceived, some of them, especially those generated by human activities, have evolved. Let us bring a summary of all the essential points and necessary steps that have been taken so far.


In general language, weather is a day-to-day phenomenon of the atmosphere. Heat and air are the two big factors for weather generation. Sun is the main deciding factor of the weather circle.

Direct sun rays heat the equatorial regions more rather than either pole. The equatorial regions cover vast water areas. Wind circles are the leading cause of the rotation of the earth. The rotation system of the planet, when combined with the heating phenomenon, generates weather.  


Climate is a comparatively broader and more comprehensive term than weather. It includes many factors, like average temperature, percentage of precipitation, days of sunlight, and humidity.

According to experts, the climate is determined by large-scale patterns and forces. The first is the position of the planet-Earth from the sun [93 million miles] by which it gets the life-sustaining solar radiation.

The second is the tilting position to the earth on its axis. The third is the uneven distribution of sunlight. The fourth is the uneven temperature in the atmosphere. The fifth is the underlying sea currents. The sixth is the wind pattern. 

Climate Change:

Climate change, the term, states the shifting of climatic conditions that persist for a long-period, like decades or longer. According to experts, the reasons behind climate change may be natural internal processes or external forces.

They give examples of external forces, like modulations of the solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, persistent anthropogenic changes in the atmosphere, and land use.

Climate Change & Global Warming
Climate Change & Global Warming [Credit-Alamy]

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change [UNFCCC] defines climate change in its 2007 IPCC Report as ‘ a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable periods’.

Simply, it is changing patterns in weather, like temperature, for a longer period, whether due to natural phenomena or human activities.

Climate change is not a speculative concern, but it is based on the works of hundreds of scientists under the IPCC. The IPCC was endorsed by the UN in 1988 and was established by the UNEP and the WMO. 

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Impacts of Global Warming:

Drastic changes have occurred in the last few decades, especially from 1970 onwards. Experts show the temperature pattern has risen in every decade since 1850. Climate change engulfs the globe, especially in coastal areas, developing as well as underdeveloped countries.

Global Warming
Global Warming [Credit-iroon.com]

The following are the dangerous global impacts on the planet Earth.

Global Warming:

One of the major impacts on Earth. Human activities are considered the biggest factors behind global warming, especially after the industrialization era.

Climate Change Scenario
Climate Change Scenario [Credit-X]

Greenhouse gases [GHGS] are the real cause that trap more heat in the lower atmosphere. According to reports, carbon dioxide has increased 31% in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times.    

Acid Rain:

Sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc are key-factors for acid rain. These pollutants evolve from fossil fuels burning, like coal, oil, and natural gas. When these pollutants react with water and other chemicals in the air, they form acid rain, fog, or snow.

Ozone Layer Depletion:

Ozone is a result of the action of sunlight on oxygen. Ozonization is a very-slow formation process that occurs 20-50 km above the earth's surface. Although ozone is considered pollution at the ground level, it evolves as a vital form of life in the upper atmosphere. It protects the earth from the harmful UV radiation of the sun.

Some other factors are nuclear accidents and nuclear holocaust.

Climate Change & Global Warming
Climate Change & Global Warming [Credit-Quest]

As we discussed climate change and its different aspects, we concluded that India, with other countries, is among the most vulnerable countries. Some of our most sensitive areas are the Himalayan region, coastal areas, arid zones, and deltas of various rivers, etc.

The government of India has reached a plan with other international organizations to cope with the growing concern.

Thanks and Regards

02 March 2025

Harappan Should Rename Vedic-Saraswati Civilization; Director American Institute of Vedic Studies

A big civilizational revelation by the Director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies said the Harappan should be renamed the Vedic-Saraswati Civilization. According to Vimal Harsh, it is time to remove the term 'Harappan' from the designating the ancient civilization of India.

Harappan Should Rename Vedic-Saraswati Civilization
Harappan Should Rename Vedic-Saraswati Civilization [Credit-The Human Journey]

It is inaccurate to call it 'Harappa' and ignores the nature and continuity of India's civilization. It is an artificial and incidental term deriving from the archaeological site of Harappa along with Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan.

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Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro Civilization Ignores the Continuity:

Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro are the major ancient urban sites in greater India discovered in the early twentieth century [1921-22] before the partition of India. 

Western archaeologists arbitrarily chose it to designate an entire urban civilization going back to 3500 BCE, which they viewed more as a lost civilization rather than connected to the later history and the continuity of Indian society.

Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro Civilization Ignores the Continuity
Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro Civilization Ignores the Continuity [Credit-Organizer]

According to the director, the term Harappa does not suggest any continuity in India's history since the ancient period or give the Vedas any place to it. The name Harappan was proposed by the proponents of the Aryan Invasion theory, like Mortimer Wheeler.

It suited their norm because a non-vedic term was useful in perpetuating that theory. Even Wheeler also promoted the false theory of the massacre at Mohenjo-Daro by invading Aryans. This argument has been disapproved archaeologically.

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Importance of Rakhigarhi Site in Vedic-Saraswati Civilization:

Today look at the site of Rakhigarhi in Kurukshetra in Haryana, Located in the Saraswati River region. it is traditionally regarded as the home of the Vedas. This site has been proven to be larger and older than Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus River region. 

As per the fact, Rakhigarhi is the largest Harappan site. Today, it would be more accurate to associate this ancient Indian Civilization with Rakhigarhi rather than Harappa. It even better reveals the geographical connections of these sites to later India and its prime historical regions.

Importance of Rakhigarhi Site in Vedic-Saraswati Civilization
Importance of Rakhigarhi Site in Vedic-Saraswati Civilization [Credit-Pinterest]

The Harappan Civilization has also been called the Indus Valley Civilization because the Indus River region was the main location for the initial and prime sites discovered.

Vedic texts show a similar culture, artifacts, and geography to Harappan, like fire altars and Shiva lingas. We see a continuity of civilization in India from sites of 8000 years like Rakhigrahi or Bhirrana to the current Kurukshetra region in Haryana. 

According to Harsh, further excavations have revealed the majority of the so-called Harappan or Indus sites were located by the Saraswati River. It is famous in Vedic texts which dried up around 4000 years ago, showing its antiquity.

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Vedic-Saraswati Civilization as an Ancient Maritime Civilization:

The Harappan sites also have been found in Gujarat by the ocean. These ocean sites were found in the delta region of the Saraswati River to indicate it was a maritime culture from the Saraswati to the sea.

Vedic Civilization was also a maritime civilization with more than 150 references to the ocean in the oldest Rig Veda alone. It includes noting the Saraswati River flowing from the mountains to the sea.

Vedic-Saraswati Civilization as an Ancient Maritime Civilization
Vedic-Saraswati Civilization as an Ancient Maritime Civilization [Credit-The Indian History]

The director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies added that using nondescript terms like 'Harappan' fits in with the terminology of the Aryan Invasion theory.

Because it separates the Vedas from the origins of India's civilization, which they [Colonial Scholars]wanted to maintain. Harappans are often called pre-Vedic or non-Vedic civilizations, which the Rakhigarhi has disapproved of archaeologically.

The rivers of northwest India also have ancient Vedic names, so-called Harappan sites, including Sindhu, Saraswati, Vitasta, Parushni [Ravi], Vipas [Beas], Shutudri [Sutlej], Yamuna, and Ganga.

Vedic texts show a similar culture, artifacts, and geography to Harappan, like fire altars and Shiva lingas. We see a continuity of civilization in India from sites of 8000 years like Rakhigrahi or Bhirrana to the current Kurukshetra region in Haryana.

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Better to Call Saraswati-Sindhu Vedic Civilization:

According to Vimal Harsh, in place of the Harappan Civilization, it should be better called 'Vedic Saraswati Civilization' or 'Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization'. Using the term Harappan is a misleading term for India's historical study. 

It does not suit and suggest the accurate center of the civilization on the Saraswati River along with its Vedic and Bharatiya connections. Indian Marxist scholars like Romila Thapar and Irfan Habib opposed the idea of the Saraswati Civilization.

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Today, it is unsurprising that these scholars are the main academic opponents of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. They denied that there ever was any Hindu temple at the Babri Masjid site, even after Professor B.B.Lal showed the evidence.

Prof. B.B.Lal, the Ex-Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India [ASI], showed not only the pieces of evidence but also wrote extensively on the Harappan as a Saraswati and Vedic culture. He was involved in the excavation of Harappan sites.

Unfortunately, these Marxist Scholars were given charge over India's history textbooks by the Congress government, not only for ancient periods but also for medieval and modern ones including India's independent movement. 

Better to Call Saraswati-Sindhu Vedic Civilization
Better to Call Saraswati-Sindhu Vedic Civilization [Credit-Bharata Bharti]

The youth of India were provided with distorted views of India's history, devised them to own their culture and dharmic civilization, portrayed India as a country of invaders and no such religion as Hinduism exists but only a series of local cults.

Congress might restore these academics and their views when they regain power. Fortunately, Sri Ram has proved too strong for them and the Vedas can no longer be denied their core role in the history of Bharat.

Thanks and Regards

Mark Mobius Said India Will Get More Money Normally Than China

Mark Mobius gave a statement that India would get more money earlier than it would have normally gone to China. Mark is the founder of Mobiu...